About MRAI

Material Recycling Association of India

In Indian Recycling firmament, the Association could boast of a variegated history of growth within a short span of less than a decade.

Started off as Metal Recycling Association of India, in 2011, the industry body of metal industry stakeholders metamorphosized into a full-blown trade body at the instance of Government, which directed it to embrace and extend the benefits of its benevolent actions all recycling and recyclable commodity stakeholders, not limiting them to the metal sector alone.

Govt. Engagements

Our Services


Represent the interests and the issues faced by its Members to the Government Authorities.


Promote free trade of secondary raw materials.


Spreading the awareness of more use of the recycled materials.


Provide its members with the best networking opportunities.

Policy Updates

Keeping its members updated about the notifications relating to the recycling industry

Market Updates

MRAI’s website provides access to latest Market Reports and Publications on Material Recycling.

The Industry




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MRAI Events

MRAI's Upcoming Events

MRAI's Upcoming Events

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MRAI's Past Events

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Partner Events

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Newly Joined Members



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